Always Blue for Chicu
Chicu the Amazon parrot’s adventures—from capture to being reunited with his soul mate, sailor Big Blue.
Cookie’s Fortune
Come along on a small dog’s journey, from surviving in a vast city to finding a loving home.
Coyote's Wild Home
The intertwined paths of child and coyote will surprise and enchant young readers
The Forgotten Rabbit
Bella the rabbit makes a giant leap from neglected Easter bunny to cherished animal companion.
Friends in Fur Coats
In this beautifully illustrated picture book, Noah finds out from his animal friends why fur belongs on animals, not people.
Hens for Friends
Hens are smart, savvy, and like to cuddle, as Aaron describes in this picture book about his relationship with his best friend, a Rhode Island Red hen he names Margaret.
A Home for Dakota
After rescue from a bleak puppy mill, Dog No. 241, renamed Dakota, journeys toward her forever home.
It’s Raining Pups and Dogs!
Lauren wants her dog Scout to have puppies. Her dad shows her why it’s not a good idea
Jake and Ava: A Boy and a Fish
Jake makes a crucial choice when he meets an archerfish caught on his line.
Jeannie Houdini, A Hamster’s Tale
Jeannie the hamster is bored—until she becomes an escape artist and finds a best friend.
KokoCat Inside and Out
Will KokoCat survive the change from contented inside cat to living on her own as an outside cat?
Maggie's Second Chance
Her puppies are adopted, but Maggie, an abandoned lab, is not. Will the kids’ plan save Maggie in time?
Max Talks to Me
A boy learns from his dog that friendship is based on mutual understanding and trust.
Ms. April & Ms. Mae: A Fable
This foxy fable is about the truth that all animals need a secure home on this, their earth.
Rufo liberado
A moving tale of a dog rescued from neglect and abuse to a new home with a loving family.