The book takes us into the woods, meadows, and streams of an Appalachian forest where a girl and a coyote pup each have their first woodland adventures.
Pulitzer winner Barbara Kingsolver and environmental educator Lily Kingsolver’s first children’s book, Coyote’s Wild Home.
When humans occupy wild land, wild animals are forced out of their wilderness habitats and have no choice but to move into suburbs and cities, which can be frightening to many people.
Recently, the sight of coyotes in neighborhood parks and streets has thrust these animals into the spotlight, but these incidents are reminders of the urgent need to protect wilderness for future generations. COYOTE’S WILD HOME (The Gryphon Press; On-sale October 17, 2023; ISBN: 9780940719484) offers readers insight into these fascinating animals and how to safely coexist with them.
Children will love the lush, painted illustrations of landscapes and animals, and enjoy the fun facts about animal tracks and behavior. Written by Pulitzer Prize winner Barbara Kingsolver and environmental educator Lily Kingsolver, COYOTE’S WILD HOME takes readers into the woods, meadows, and streams of an Appalachian forest where a girl and a coyote pup each find their first woodland adventures. On their separate journeys into the wilderness with a beloved family member, the intertwined paths of child and coyote will surprise and enchant young readers. With its richly detailed illustrations and gentle biology lessons, this story of two young explorers invites readers to imagine wilderness as a place to be protected, loved, and shared.
Here’s a peek at some of the information that readers will discover within its pages:
- Facts about coyote migration, their background, habits, and lifestyle.
- The final pages of the book discuss how coyotes and human can successfully coexist.
- The role that coyotes play as an important part of maintaining healthy ecosystems and species diversity.
- Young readers will identify with the coyotes’ need to care for their young, and to find safe places to live.
Authors Barbara & Lily Kingsolver were awarded an Honorary Citation as part of The Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI) Charlotte and Wilbur Award for Compassion to Animals and their 2024 Children’s Book Changemakers Conference!
Trade Reviews
“A splendid, gentle introduction to environmental activism. . . Three relationships subtly unfold in this captivating tale: coyotes and their world, Diana and her grandfather, and other humans and Earth’s remaining wilderness. . . Richly detailed paintings provide a vivid virtual forest visit and breathtaking close-ups of the coyotes.”
Reader Reviews
“I can’t recommend Coyote’s Wild Home enough. It’s fabulous! This is a great choice for teachers. Below is a short list of conversation starters or teachable moments: tracking prints & scat, animal behavior, how coyotes communicate, predators, ecosystems. It encourages young children to love and respect nature and wild animals. It briefly covers conservation and how we, as humans, can all play our part in preserving their habitats. I love the realistic animal and nature illustrations. They’re gorgeous and could easily be sold as prints. I’m impressed with this book and the fun facts, and I hope it becomes a series.”
—Andrea Smith, Reader
“This is an absolute must-buy for me. I have a Master’s in teaching, and so books that help me teach my son (who is three) or my daughter (who is 12) are what I am always looking for. Books about environmentalism, ecology, and being good to Mother Earth are our focus right now. This book falls into all of those categories. It teaches about sustainable land harvest, about how to treat wild animals, and it is especially well-written. I am a huge fan of the topic, Coyotes, since they are much maligned.
The art is exceptional. I know my son is going to love to read this, and that it is likely going to end up being on his “read it again” books list. You will not go wrong with this book. This might be Lily’s first work, but it won’t be her last, and I am already a fan!”
— Miska Redmond, Educator
“I loved this book! Parallel stories of a little girl spending time with her grandfather in nature and learning her first lessons, and of a coyote pup on his first hunt with his auntie. The description of the coyote’s loving family unit, how a pup learns what to do, and the difficulties facing coyotes (and other animals) as more wild areas are taken over by humans were told simply but with important details. The illustrations are absolutely gorgeous. I will recommend this book to everyone in my library, and probably give many copies away as gifts!”
—Martha Jackson, Librarian