Lauren wants her dog Scout to have puppies. Her dad shows her why it's not a good idea.
Lauren is angry with her father for having their dog Scout spayed, dashing her hopes of having the fun of raising puppies. To show Lauren why they made the decision not to breed Scout, Lauren’s dad takes her to visit a large animal shelter.
Seeing the hundreds of dogs waiting for rescue, many with little hope of finding a home, Lauren comes to understand why they spayed Scout: there are too many dogs and too few homes for them. The realistic, captivating art features shelter dogs. The final page of the book offers information for parents and other adults about pet overpopulation and the importance of spaying and neutering.
Editorial Reviews
Kirkus Reviews
An understanding dad shows his daughter why it’s best for their dog not to have puppies in this well-meaning, earnest story about pet overpopulation.