Will KokoCat survive the change from contented inside cat to living on her own as an outside cat?
KokoCat, a well-loved housecat, has seen the world only from the safety of her windows. One day, she takes advantage of an open door and runs away to explore. Once outside, she finds that life is more complicated and less enjoyable than she bargained for. Hungry, lost, and alone, KokoCat takes shelter under a trash bin, dreaming of her former life and the people who care about her.
Endorsements for KoKoCat, Inside and Out
“If any lost cat deserves to be found (and of course they all do), it is KokoCat. I love the artwork and the details about KokoCat’s personality. Follow her outdoor adventure and learn why it is better to be inside than out.”
— Kat Albrecht, Pet Detective and Founder of the Missing Animal Response Network
Editorial Reviews
The debate over whether domestic cats should be allowed to roam outside has made it into picture books—or at least half of it has. This story introduces KokoCat stretched out on her back, a contented indoor animal: “She stalks the sun around the room.” A few pages later, she rests on her pillow, licking her paws: “KokoCat is warm, well fed, and loved.” When the opportunity arrives, however, KokoCat escapes into the mysteries of the outdoors. She encounters a fierce tomcat, water from a “sour puddle,” a chasing dog, and little food; she sneaks under a trash bin during the stormy night. Graham-Barber and Lane succeed in making this adventure a scary one, and when the cat hears familiar voices calling the next morning, she seems visibly relieved. The last line reads: “KokoCat is an indoor cat. For good.” An afterword spells out what the book has suggested through terse text and realistic paintings, offering convincing arguments for keeping cats indoors for the safety of both songbirds and the cats themselves. Grades K-2.
—Abby Nolan